Home » 2015 » March » 28 » Flexible Start
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Flexible Start

How It Works

The employer sets core hours when all employees have to be on the job, with varying start and end times ( e.g.,you work from 6:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.,with an hour for launch;Bruce starts at 9:30 A.M. and gets off at 6:30 P.M.,with an hour for launch;Danielle works from 8:00 A.M. until 4:30 P.M.,with a half hour for lunch---- you and your co-workers are all in the department from 9:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.,the core hours ).



.Having more time with your family when you need to br there.

.Keeping your full pay and benefits.

.Having less stress rushing to work.

Possibly avoiding heavy traffic.


Still working full-time ( the change may not free up enough time ).

.Having to be a self-starter or needing clearly defined tasks.

.Possibly having to give up a car pool.

What You Need to Demonstrate

.How the work will get done.

.How hours will be monitored.

.Whether shifts will change from week to week or stay the same.

What You Need to Negotiate

.Core hours

Definition of tasks during times when supervisor is not there.


Bargaining Points

.There's little or no expense for the company.

.Studies show morale and productivity improve with flexibility;employees can get more done during times when fewer co-workers are present.

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